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Welcome to Haddis Alemayehu Academy-North America (HAANA)’s Website

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Haddis Alemayehu Academy in North America (HAANA) is a continent-wide stakeholders-group, organized to support the vision and mission of the Haddis Alemayehu Academy (HAA) in Ethiopia.  HAA in Ethiopia was established as a non-governmental, non-profit organization registered in accordance with the provisions of the Charities and Societies Agency of Ethiopia.  Named after the renowned author, diplomat and educator, Dr. Haddis Alemayehu, HAA has initiated a special boarding high school at an interim location in Debre Markos town, East Gojjam Zone of the Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia.  The new school site will be in the historic town of Debre Markos, and when it is fully completed, it will have admission capacity of 1600 students.


Our mission is to help develop and deliver an indigenous, yet state-of-the-art, and learner-centered curriculum in the fields of science, technology, mathematics, social sciences, language arts, ethics, and related extra-curricular activities for consideration by HAA. We also aim to help foster a world-class school-leadership and management team, and mobilize resources to support a sustainable institutional effort.

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Upcoming Events at HAANA

Members’ Meeting

Please stay tuned for upcoming meeting

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